Captive Population
The supported PRCT population is scientifically managed in экскурсии по Москве на английском AZA institutions using a herd book and genetic software. All captive toads and their offspring belong to the Government of Puerto Rico and are distributed by the keeper of the herd book, which allows them to be tracked throughout their lives. The SSP coordinator should make breeding recommendations six times a year to participating institutions, which should evaluate pedigrees and identify suitable partners and the desired number of offspring to maintain optimal genetic diversity. Every three years, the population is also analyzed by AZA population consultants from the Population Management Center (PMC) together with the coordinator and the keeper of the herd book. Every four years, SSP can import toads or tadpoles from the wild to increase genetic diversity, ensure long-term sustainability of captive populations and a reintroduction program.
The captive population usually numbers from 700 to 800 individuals and is currently scattered across 32 sites. Of these institutions, the breeding population is managed in 18 institutions that are kept in isolated rooms or buildings. These areas are maintained using standardized cultivation methods and quarantine for amphibians intended for reintroduction (Poole and grow, 2012). Genetically overrepresented toads from a breeding population are on public display. After being transferred to exhibition groups, toads should never mix with breeding populations to limit the potential spread of the disease among wild populations during reintroduction.